Bearded dragons are a popular pet reptile due to their docile nature and easy care requirements. As omnivores, they have a varied diet that includes insects, vegetables, and fruits. However, many owners may wonder if they can offer their bearded dragon a spider as part of their diet.
While spiders may be a common prey item for many reptiles in the wild, it is not recommended to feed them to bearded dragons kept in captivity. Spiders can carry parasites and diseases that can be harmful to your pet. Additionally, some species of spiders are venomous and can cause serious health issues or even death in bearded dragons. Therefore, it is best to avoid feeding spiders to your bearded dragon and stick to a diet of commercially available insects and vegetables.
In general, it is important to research and understand the dietary needs of your bearded dragon before offering any new food items. Providing a balanced and varied diet is key to keeping them healthy and happy. While it may be tempting to offer them a spider as a treat, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid potentially harmful prey items.

Understanding Bearded Dragons Diet
When it comes to feeding your bearded dragon, it’s important to understand their natural diet as well as their captive diet. In the wild, bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. They primarily eat insects, but they also eat small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They also eat a variety of plants, including flowers, fruits, and leaves.
Natural Diet
In the wild, bearded dragons primarily eat insects. Some of the insects they commonly eat include crickets, roaches, and mealworms. They also eat a variety of other insects, such as grasshoppers, beetles, and ants. In addition to insects, bearded dragons also eat small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They have been known to eat mice, birds, lizards, and snakes.
Bearded dragons also eat a variety of plants in the wild. They eat flowers, fruits, and leaves. Some of the plants they commonly eat include dandelions, clover, and hibiscus flowers. They also eat a variety of other plants, such as mulberry leaves, rose petals, and grape leaves.
Captive Diet
In captivity, bearded dragons require a balanced diet that includes both animal and plant matter. They should be fed a variety of insects, such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. They should also be fed a variety of vegetables and fruits, such as collard greens, carrots, and strawberries.
It’s important to note that bearded dragons should not be fed spiders. While some species of spiders are safe for bearded dragons to eat, others can be toxic and potentially deadly. It’s best to avoid feeding your bearded dragon spiders altogether.
In conclusion, understanding the natural and captive diet of bearded dragons is crucial to their health and well-being. By providing them with a balanced diet that includes both animal and plant matter, you can ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need to thrive.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spiders?
As responsible pet owners, we always want to make sure that our pets are getting the right kind of nutrition. Bearded dragons are no exception. These reptiles are known to have a varied diet, but can they eat spiders?
The answer is a bit complicated. While some species of spiders are safe for bearded dragons to eat, others are not. It’s important to note that bearded dragons are not natural predators of spiders, so it’s not a necessary part of their diet.
If you do decide to give your bearded dragon a spider, make sure it’s a species that is safe for them to eat. Some safe options include:
- Crickets
- Mealworms
- Dubia roaches
- Waxworms
On the other hand, some spiders are toxic to bearded dragons and can cause serious health problems or even death. It’s important to avoid feeding your bearded dragon any spiders that you’re not 100% sure are safe.
In conclusion, while some species of spiders are safe for bearded dragons to eat, it’s not a necessary part of their diet and can be risky if you’re not sure which species are safe. It’s always best to stick to a balanced diet of insects and vegetables to ensure your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy.
The Risks of Feeding Spiders to Bearded Dragons
Feeding your bearded dragon a varied diet is important to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. While insects such as crickets and mealworms are commonly fed to bearded dragons, some owners may consider feeding spiders as well. However, there are risks associated with feeding spiders to bearded dragons.
Potential Toxins
Spiders can be venomous, and some species may contain toxins that can harm your bearded dragon. Even non-venomous spiders may have toxins in their body that can be harmful to your pet. These toxins can cause a range of symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. In severe cases, they can even cause organ damage or death.
It is important to note that not all spiders are equally toxic, and the risks associated with feeding spiders to bearded dragons will vary depending on the species of spider. Some spiders, such as tarantulas, are known to be less toxic than others. However, even with less toxic spiders, there is still a risk of harm to your bearded dragon.
Choking Hazard
In addition to the potential toxins, spiders can also pose a choking hazard to bearded dragons. Spiders have hard exoskeletons and legs that can become lodged in your pet’s throat, leading to choking or even suffocation. This risk is especially high if you feed your bearded dragon larger spiders or spiders with hard exoskeletons.
In conclusion, while feeding spiders to bearded dragons may seem like a good way to provide variety in their diet, it is important to consider the risks associated with doing so. The potential toxins and choking hazard make feeding spiders a risky choice for your pet. It is recommended to stick with safer options such as crickets and mealworms to ensure your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy.

Alternatives to Spiders in Bearded Dragons Diet
Bearded dragons are omnivores and require a varied diet to stay healthy. While spiders can be a part of their diet, some owners may prefer to avoid feeding their dragons spiders due to potential risks. Fortunately, there are plenty of other insect options that can provide similar nutritional benefits.
Crickets are a popular choice for bearded dragons and are widely available at pet stores. They are high in protein and easy to digest. Mealworms and superworms are also good options, but should be fed in moderation as they are high in fat. Other insect options include roaches, grasshoppers, and silkworms.
It’s important to note that not all insects are created equal. Some insects, such as fireflies, are toxic to bearded dragons and should never be fed to them. Always do your research and make sure the insects you are feeding your dragon are safe and nutritious.
In addition to insects, bearded dragons also need a variety of vegetables in their diet. Leafy greens such as kale, collard greens, and mustard greens are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Other vegetable options include carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes.
It’s important to avoid feeding bearded dragons vegetables that are high in oxalates, such as spinach and beet greens. These vegetables can bind to calcium and prevent it from being absorbed by the dragon’s body, which can lead to health problems.
When feeding vegetables, it’s important to chop them into small pieces to make them easier for the dragon to eat. You can also try mixing vegetables into the dragon’s insects to encourage them to eat more greens.
Overall, there are plenty of alternatives to spiders in a bearded dragon’s diet. By providing a varied and nutritious diet, you can help ensure your dragon stays healthy and happy.
After researching and analyzing the available information on whether bearded dragons can eat spiders, we have come to a conclusion.
While some spiders may not be harmful to bearded dragons, it is generally not recommended to feed them spiders. This is because spiders can carry parasites and diseases that could harm your bearded dragon. Additionally, some spiders may have venom that could be dangerous to your pet.
It is important to note that bearded dragons are primarily insectivores and should be fed a diet of insects, fruits, and vegetables that are safe for them to consume. Feeding them a varied and balanced diet is key to their health and well-being.
If you are unsure about what to feed your bearded dragon, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or a reptile expert. They can provide you with guidance and recommendations on what foods are safe and healthy for your pet.
In summary, while bearded dragons may be able to eat some spiders, it is generally not recommended due to the potential health risks. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs and to seek professional advice if you are unsure about what to feed them.

Frequently Asked Questions
Are black widows safe for bearded dragons to eat?
No, black widows are not safe for bearded dragons to eat. These spiders are highly venomous and can be fatal to your pet. It is best to avoid feeding your bearded dragon any type of spider that you are not sure is safe.
Can bearded dragons consume centipedes?
No, centipedes are not a good food source for bearded dragons. They can be difficult to digest and may cause digestive issues. Additionally, some species of centipedes are venomous and can be dangerous for your pet.
Do grasshoppers make a good meal for bearded dragons?
Yes, grasshoppers are a good source of protein for bearded dragons. They are also easy to digest and provide a good source of nutrition. However, be sure to only feed your pet grasshoppers that are properly gut-loaded and dusted with calcium powder.
Is it safe for bearded dragons to eat jumping spiders?
Jumping spiders are generally safe for bearded dragons to eat. However, it is important to note that some species of jumping spiders are venomous and can be harmful to your pet. It is best to avoid feeding your bearded dragon any type of spider that you are not sure is safe.
Can bearded dragons safely consume stink bugs?
No, stink bugs are not safe for bearded dragons to eat. They can be difficult to digest and may cause digestive issues. Additionally, some species of stink bugs are toxic and can be harmful to your pet.
What live insects are safe for bearded dragons to eat?
Some safe live insects for bearded dragons to eat include crickets, mealworms, superworms, and dubia roaches. It is important to properly gut-load and dust these insects with calcium powder before feeding them to your pet. It is also important to vary your pet’s diet to ensure they are receiving a balanced and nutritious diet.
I, Mark Antonelli am highly interested in pet care tips. The experiences I gained through university life in animal sciences were also helpful to identify the best tricks for caring for and feeding varying kinds of pets. I know the majority of people love to own a pet. Yet, there is a guilty of owing a Bearded Dragon due to a lack of information about how much friendly and peaceful they are. I thought of filling this gap with detailed writings about this Pogona genus Bearded Dragon. All my team is also giving me great support to fulfil my mission. Hope you will enjoy the journey with us.